Real Estate Sold Outright - Canada - “Sold @ Auction”

Sold Outright Manitoba Real Estate "Sold @ Auction"
Baby Boomers are selling and looking for comfortable senior homes, easy access for medical, dental and social services.
Not every rural community enjoys those necessary conveniences.
There are a huge number of homes occupied by a single person. Many are Baby Boomers or Older.
These homes in every Manitoba Community will be soon entering the seller/buyer market.
When travelling from town to town in Rural Manitoba the Real Estate "For Sale Signs" are hard to miss. Very few signs that say "Sold"!
In fact some streets in some towns have numerous selling signs. Some homes and yards look sadly abandoned!
Competition to sell a home before school starts and winter setting in will be increasing. Will prices drop out of desperation for a sale before the Heating Bills start and the Tax Bill arrives?
Offers will become less & lower! Will the Real Estate in Rural Manitoba become a very competitive buyer market? It may be already in play!
Is buying a home a good investment today? Another good question!
Does a difficult market drive down selling prices? Historically, yes, it does!
Does a difficult market reduce the chance for a mortgage because of so many homes on the market.
Does your home receive the Marketing Exposure it deserves and need to be Sold Outright?
Are Financial Institutions willing to risk the potential of a free fall market?
It has happened before and there is speculation from the history lessons of past Real Estate Markets, it may very well happen again.
What to do ... certainly depends on many factors for both buyers and sellers!
And Finally!!! The Effects of the Covid Pandemic are upon us. Interest Rates are low!
Now is the time to Sell or Buy at Auction!
The one thing for sure in most rural communities the Real Estate Market will likely not get stronger in the short term.
What to do? That will be your question!
Give me a call @ 204 740 0439
Floyd (Brent) Reid CPPA WWCA NAA MAA
Appraiser, Auctioneer, Consultant
SoldOutright Auctions On-Line!
Mobile Bidding App "SoldOutright"
Brent Reid Enterprises Ltd Est 1983
Contact 204 740 0439
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