Bid @ Auction
Auction: Live Auction continues to be an incredible method to quickly turn idle assets and personal belonging into cash.
However, due to the quickly changing demographics that include Aging Boomers, ever changing Ethnic makup of New Canadians not used to the Old Fashion Country Auction, growing number of very busy Millennials, working and busy families and ease of travel, Live Auctions tend to struggle in attracting and retaining a consistent & aggressive bidder & buying crowd.
On-Line Auctions are becoming the go to method of bidding for very busy families, busy with sports, travel and work to keep pace with the increasing need for additional income. some folks just do not have time to attend an all day Auction for one item.
Absentee bids are accepatble, however, if the Auction was on-line in their mobile device...they could Bid On the Run!!!
On-Line/Live Auctions and On LIne Accelerated Auction Marketing & Direct Selling will increase and be around for years to come.
Auction Methods and various means of open/visible competitive bidding and direct selling in general, have been and will be, the go-to method of selling goods and real property for Centuries yet to come.